Potsdam Pride Festival T-shirts
Submit your design for our 2025 Potsdam Pride festival t-shirt and flash tattoos!
T-shirt and poster contest
Submission deadline: March 15, 2025
- Your design must use the name Potsdam Pride and show “2025” somewhere in the design.
- Submit a design for the front of the shirt only.
- Your design should reflect the general theme of pride in your queer community.
- Your design must be your original work.
- You can use up to 6 colors. The winning design may be modified slightly to fit printing requirements.
- Look at the previous years’ winning designs and try something different!
- Submit your design as a high-resolution jpg or png to potsdampride@gmail.com with the subject line 2025 Design Contest. Include your name and, if under 18, your age in the body of your email. Good luck!
Finalists will be voted on by members of the Potsdam Pride committee.
Prizes: The winner will receive 2 free t-shirts and the option to have a free vendor space at the 2025 Pride festival, June 14, 2025.
By submitting a design, you agree to the following:
The winning design may be used by Potsdam Pride and our partner organization, Planned Parenthood of the North Country NY, to promote Potsdam Pride and its events. Profits from t-shirt sales will benefit Potsdam Pride, and Potsdam Pride may continue to feature the winning design on its website and in other forums (for example, as part of a retrospective of winning designs). The winner may use their design to create and sell merchandise with the exception of t-shirts and posters. If you are under 18, you agree that you have the permission of a parent or guardian to submit a design to this contest.
Previous winning t-shirt and poster designs

Flash tattoo contest with Cotton & Bones
Submission deadline: March 22, 2025
You must be 18 or over to enter.
- Black ink only
- Finished tattoos will be no more than 2.5 in x 2.5 in. Simple designs are best!
- The winning design will be used by Cotton & Bones and its affiliated tattoo artists during the flash tattoo sale in June to benefit Potsdam Pride.
- Tattoo designs do not need to say “Potsdam Pride” but should reflect a Pride theme.
- The winning design will be modified slightly to fit inking requirements.
- Your design must be your original work.
- Send your designs to potsdampride@gmail.com as a jpg or png file with the subject line 2025 Tattoo Design Contest. Good luck!
The winner will receive a free flash tattoo during the flash sale in June. Potsdam Pride will not use the winning design for other promotional merchandise but may show it on their website and in social media for promotional purposes. Some proceeds from the flash tattoo sale will benefit Potsdam Pride.